Jetty House Accommodation

As featured in our column in LANDSCAPE OUTLOOK

Chonemorpha fragrans is a vigorous climber native to India and South East Asia. The textured foliage is attractive, leaves are large, rather course and oval shaped. However, it is the spectacular display of flowers from January to end of April that makes this plant a worthwhile addition to the garden. The common name ‘Climbing Frangipani’ describes the flowers very well. They are indeed very similar to white, yellow throated Frangipani flowers and almost just as fragrant.

Semi-deciduous in subtropical areas, Chonemorpha can handle somewhat colder temperatures but will then be fully dormant during the winter months. Fresh new leaves unfold in spring a bright green with a bronze hue.

A sunny aspect is required for abundant flowering. Being a tropical plant, ample moisture during the summer months and rich, well-drained soil is necessary for healthy growth.

A vigorous climber, Chonemorpha requires a strong and sturdy structure to support it’s weight. This makes it more suited to be grown on larger structures such as columns and pergolas. It also makes a great screen on sturdy fencing with trellis to extend it’s height.

The scented, white flowers make this an ideal climber for summer entertaining areas where it adds a luxurious tropical holiday feeling to the setting.

It’s a good idea to prune the vine during the winter months to get it back into shape and to restrict growth to a manageable size.

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