Jetty House Accommodation


Zingiber spectabile Honeycomb is one of many Varieties of Beehive Gingers available. Like all Gingers, the Beehive Gingers sprout from rhizomes. Although dormant during winter in the subtropics and in colder areas as far south as Sydney, they are usually evergreen. I particularly like the foliage of ‘Honeycomb’. An upright vase shaped clump, the neatly structured foliage looks lush throughout the year with little unsightly dieback, it grows to about 1.8m high by 1.5m across the top. In addition Honeycomb has an abundance of large orange cones which age to red over a four month period. As the cones open, they produce brown and yellow spotted flowers which add to the attraction.

Plants growing from rhizomes generally do not need much water while dormant; in fact too much water will cause them to rot. During the growing season however, ample moisture and humidity, combined with regular applications of an organic fertilizer will produce lush healthy growth. Avoid hot afternoon sun, dappled shade or morning sun only.

I would use this plant as part of foliage dominated planting scheme where a tropical, lush look is required. As the cones are very attractive but are at the base of the plant, Beehive Gingers are best used as a free standing feature plant maybe under planted with a very low growing ground cover or placed towards the front of a garden bed.

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